Some names of antique golf clubs and their modern equivalent (written in 2022 - things will change!)
Driver= Driver
Brassie = 3 wood
Spoon= 5 wood
Cleek = 2 iron
Mid-Iron= 5 iron
Mashie= 7 iron
Mashie-Niblick = 9 iron
Niblick= Wedge (of varying lofts as required)
Above are the most common types of c.1900-1920 hickory golf clubs.
In older eras these terms were mainly used
18th and 19th century
Scraper= 3 wood
Spoon= lofted wood
Cleek = longest iron
Middling iron= middle iron
Lofting Iron= 8 iron
Rutter= wedge (of varying lofts as required)
A hickory shafted Driver
A hickory Brassie Wood (3 wood)
An example of a hickory cleek
An example of a hickory "mid-iron"...about a modern 5 iron
An example of hickory mashie (modern 7 iron equivalent)
An example of a hickory mashie-niblick (like a modern 9 iron)
An example of a niblick (a modern wedge)
A hickory putter